The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 685: Lucina (Sister) A

Lucina, is this, uh... Do you have a minute?

What's wrong, Morgan? Why the serious face?

I want you to help me see whether or not I can wield the Falchion.

Huh? You were so dead set against it. What changed?

I did, I suppose. I thought about everything you said.... About how we need to win this war be any means necessary.

I was running away from that truth and from my duty to become a master tactician. But like you said, we need to be practical about this. ...So will help me?

Of course. I'll make the necessary preparations immediately.

*Later that day*

All right. I want you to strike at log as if it were the enemy. If you lack the potential to wield Falchion, its blade will be dull as a stone. You will scarce knock the bark off your target. However, if you are among the blade's chosen, the log will be cleft in two.


Here. Take Falchion.

All right... Here we go...

Hey, wait. What am I going do if this DOES work?

...No. I'll worry about that later. No more doubts. This a part of my duty... here I go! RrrAAAGH! ...

...Huh? I didn't feel anything.

.... The log unscathed. I'm sorry, Morgan. It seems you've not been chosen to wield Falchion.


Don't take it too hard. This doesn't change who you are. You're still my brother, a son of Chrom, and a prince of Ylisse. Don't let this-

Pffft. Heh heh ha ha ha!


Ah ha ha ha, s-sorry, it's just.... I was so worked up, I... I totally missed! I missed the log! Ah ha ha, hilarious!

...Heh. Heh heh. *ahem* Don't try to be serious, brother. You're making me laugh... *Sigh* I suppose we both got a little it too wrapped up in this whole Falchion matter. It wound up souring the air between us, almost as if we'd been quarreling. I far preferred that night we got in trouble for the giant bug....

Oh, me too! ...Though at least this helped me firm up my resolve. Not doing what I can out of fear that the people I love might die is just...cowardice. If something should happen to you, I swear to keep fighting to the bitter end. But I still have no intention of letting that happen. The pain is too much to imagine.

So let me protect you. It's the least you brother can do!

I fear I, too, was running, I was afraid to make you a promise. But no more. I swear to you, here and now, that this war will not claim me. I refuse to you all alone, Brother, nor allow any harm to come to you. We will survive this together. We will forge a future of our own making.

It's a promise!

So it is sworn on Falchion.

Oh, blast! I completely forget that I'm cooking duty tonight. Sorry, but I must be going. (leaves)

Ah, wait! Lucina, you forget Falchion! ...So much for not leaving me all alone.

Guess it's just you and me, Falchy. How's about one more swing for the road, seeing as I'll likely never touch you again?

Hrrngh... YAAAH! ....

...Yup. Not a scratch.

You just better do a damned good job of looking after my sister, you got that? If Lucina dies, you're getting demoted to royal fruit knife. Don't think I won't do it!

...All right, well, better get back to her.

*later that day*

...Hmm? What's this log? Was someone training?

Hmm, split perfectly in two. I've never seen such a clean cut before....